Please find attached correspondence from the FAI in relation to an extension of the transfer window.
Hi All,
Hope you are keeping safe and well in these challenging times. We are emailing you to inform you of an amendment to the registration and transfer deadline across Grassroots football. You will find attached in this email a letter from Roy Barrett, on behalf of the Board, and a document which outlines these amendments specific to each strand of the game.
Could you ensure after a review by your league registrar that all clubs receive a copy of the attached document to assist with the planning process of a return to football?
Thank you for your assistance with this and if you have any queries please get in touch with your administrator.
Kind regards
FAInet Team
30th January 2021
Dear Affiliate,
In light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on football, the FAI Board, in line with its powers under FAI Rule 21.2, Part B has taken the decision to extend the transfer and registration deadline from 31st January to the 20th March.
This decision has been made due to the ongoing cessation of football under level 5 restrictions.
I confirm that the March 20th date will be kept under review in response to changing Covid-19
Roy Barrett