Dear Affiliates/Secretary,
As you will be aware a number of new Government guidelines around COVID-19 and public health measures were announced last week which are now effective until January 30th 2022. Sport Ireland have written to us regarding how these new measures will affect sport in Ireland and I am happy to share the following information with you:
Indoor Sport
- Indoor sporting events will not take place after 8pm. For events happening earlier in the day, attendance should be limited to 50% of venue capacity or 1,000 attendees, whichever is the lower.
- The 8pm time restriction does not apply to indoor sports training. This training can continue in line with previous guidance and with protective measures in place (use of pods where applicable, cleaning/hygiene, ventilation, mask use etc.).
Outdoor Sport
- Attendance at outdoor sporting events is limited to 50% of venue capacity or 5,000 attendees, whichever is the lower.
- The 8pm time restriction does not apply to outdoor sporting events or outdoor training.
Full details of the Government announcement can be found here – – New public health measures announced – Friday 17 December (
Sport Ireland have also asked that we monitor the various updates in relation to close contacts and international travel with a number of changes having come into effect
The latest FAI Grassroots protocol is attached.
Please check in regularly with FAI protocols and Government guidelines as this is an evolving situation and regulations may change at short notice.
Thank you as always for your adherence to our FAI protocols and the Government’s COVID-19 guidelines during this ongoing pandemic.
I wish you and yours a happy holiday.
Best regards,
Ger McDermott, FAI Grassroots Director