Migration to FAI Connect

All Clubs,

Gentle reminder that FAInet will be shut down from Dec 11th, Any players not signed off eligible by myself League register by than will not move over to FAI Connect and clubs will need to re-register players again on FAI Connect.

All clubs are responsible for having their FAINET up to date. Can all clubs please do a full scrub of all their teams and any players not signed off eligible please action ASAP.

Once clubs have the PDF uploaded can they please WhatsApp or text me on 087-6856018 or email Calla3030@gmail.com so I can give eligibility, if clubs don’t notify me I not aware that the sheets are loaded.

We have just a few days now left to get our house in order- Please note all these PDF’s should have been loaded at start of season.

Any club that needs help or assistance please don’t hesitate in reaching out to me.

Thanks, Karen O’Callaghan