Hi All,
Please find correspondence from the league register regarding the registration of players for the coming season.
With the amendment to rule 44a in the LDSL rule book Version 1.2 which was passed at the AGM, the onus is on the club to ensure only one player is transferred to any one club. Robert will assist where necessary if a club is unsure of a players eligibility.
“Please note all teams from last season (2020) have been cleared on FAInet. You can now enter teams for new season 20/21, although you will have to select season 2020 again.
Age grades are as follows:
2005, U16
2006, U15
2007, U14
2008, U13
2009, U12
2010, U11
2011, U10
2012, U9
2013, U8
2014, U7
Also please note that LDSL will not process any registrations until the 1st of August, as per rule.