FAI announces nationwide cessation of Grassroots and Underage football matches – 06.10.2020

Following the Government’s introduction of Level 3 COVID-19 restrictions across the country, the Football Association of Ireland announces the cessation from midnight tonight of all Adult Amateur and Underage football matches with the exception of elite football – namely the SSE Airtricity League, the Women’s National League and all five underage National Leagues.

Adult amateur and non-elite Underage clubs can continue to train under non-contact conditions as per the Government Guidelines outlined in the ‘Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021 – Plan for Living with COVID-19’ programme and in conjunction with the updated FAI Safer Return to Training Protocol. 

Coaches and players are not permitted to leave their resident county for training with adult amateur and non-elite underage teams. The FAI will continue to monitor Government guidelines and will update this cessation order as required.

The updated FAI Safer Return to Train Protocol can be viewed here